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Referral Information

A referral for service comes directly from Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services and includes an authorization for services at the current evaluation rate (plus travel). Our AT referral form for VR is available here. Our SBE feasibility referral form for VR is available here. The referral form for neuropsychological evaluations is available here.

If you are a current consumer of Vocational Rehabilitation Services and you believe that assistive technology may benefit you, please contact your VR counselor to request an Assistive Technology Evaluation from Adaptive Enterprises, LLC.

If you are not currently a consumer of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, but you believe that Assistive Technology may be necessary to help you get a job, keep your job, or train for a job (because of a disability) you may be eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Click here to find the information of your nearest Vocational Rehabilitation office.

If you are interested in assistive technology for private pay, please contact us.